After many years of hard work, we are very happy to announce that INTRA has been successfully ISO 9001:2015 certified.
What is ISO Certification? Why does it matter in our industry? We have put together a very short overview below.
The International Organisation for Standardization, better known as ISO, was founded in 1947. It is an international standard-setting body formed by representatives from various national standards organizations.
When ISO began in 1926 as the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISA), it concentrated only on mechanical engineering. These days they have published more than 19,500 International Standards covering almost all aspects of technology and business, from food safety to computers, agriculture to Insurance. An ISO certification ensures that products and services are safe, reliable, and high quality.
With our ISO 9001:2015 certification, you will be guaranteed a high level of quality assurance. Our ISO 9001:2015 certification ensures that our internal systems are effective, consistent, and efficient