Following are 3 fuel saving tips that can help you get the maximum out of your fuel tank. Each of these tips will slightly increase the mileage of your car and all these savings when added together will make a substantial difference. It will also make you a lot safer while driving.
- Use the highest possible gear All cars are designed to start at the lowest gear, as that’s where you get the most power for acceleration, but driving at the highest gear will increase fuel economy. Fuel consumption will increase when you stay long at lower gears. Driving slow at the highest gear will also increase fuel consumption. Use the highest possible gear when it’s safe to do so, and don’t stay at lower gears for long.
- Use air-conditioning selectively Air conditions are an added burden for your car’s engine and it increases fuel consumption. Opening the air vents or windows when driving at low speeds will allow a fresh breeze to enter your car and you will feel a lot comfortable.
- Slow down. One of the most efficient and easiest ways for saving fuel is reducing speed. Your car burns more fuel when you drive fast. Fuel consumption is lowest when driving between 45km/h and 75km/h. Moreover, as a driver, you will have more control over your car and reduce the chance of accidents while driving within this speed range.